By Brenda Namata, Communications and Advocacy Officer, Uganda Media Women’s Association
Meet the media awardees of the Women in Media Symposium held on March 24th 2023 by UMWA. These are distinguished women who have widely contributed to media development. The Award categories were as follows: Distinguished ladies in the Media and Communication industry: Academia, Research, management and civil society. They are Mentors, Managers, Researchers and Trainers. Distinguished Long Serving Ladies, long serving and Mentorship, Reporting from the Frontline, Managing Stations, Innovation, Hard Stuff, Investigative, Community, Innovation, Resilience, Daring, Brave and innovation, Press Freedom, Transitioning: Journalism to Police and Politics, Founding Leaders/Chairpersons and Lifetime Award.
Distinguished Ladies in the Media and Communication Industry: Academia, Research and management and civil Society
Prof. Goretti Nassanga
Prof. Goretti Nassanga is the first Professor in Journalism and Communication in Uganda; and has contributed extensively to research in the same area.
Prof Nassanga also co-developed the first gender and media module for the department of Journalism and Communication of Makerere University

Prof. Monica Balya Chibita
Prof. Monica Balya Chibita has made an outstanding contribution to the field of Media and Communication and extensively undertaking research in this area.

Long serving Ladies in the Media and Communication Industry and have mentored several people
Linda Nabusayi Wamboka
Ms. Linda Nabusayi Wamboka has been outstanding for her efforts and dedication in the Media and Public Affairs area.She has done the best in balancing Politics and the Media.

Nalongo Rose Bukirwa
Ms. Nalongo Rose Bukirwa has continuously provided the role model every young female journalist would wish for.

Frontline Reporting
Hon. Shiela Kawamara Mishambi
Hon. Sheila Kawamara Mishambi is the first Ugandan woman journalist to report from the War zone, and has coached several women.

Gloria Laker Aciiro Adiiki
Ms. Gloria Laker Adiiki has been outstanding for her efforts and dedication to report in the Jungles of War and bring a holistic story to the Ugandan and global audience.
Gloria is the name synonymous with Peace Journalism!

Managing Stations
Jane Angom
Ms. Jane Angom successfully led and transformed a Community Radio, Speak FM into a Social Enterprise! And this was for over fourteen years (14 years).

Catherine Apalat
Ms. Catherine Apalat has with a lot of effort and dedication managed a Radio Station, Mama FM 101.7 for over 15 years